Welcome, beautiful. I'm so glad you're here.
Do You Feel It Too?
The rhythm of creativity pulsing just beneath the surface of your quiet exterior.
It might be a catch in your throat when you hear a song that touches your heart. Or the way your body instinctively moves to the music. Maybe it’s a story or a poem that yearns to be shared through your unique voice and expression. Or a longing to be up on that stage…

You’re not alone.
Hi, I’m Tara, and I help the highly sensitive woman who feels empty, disconnected, and unworthy of her creative gifts explore and embrace her artistic calling. While her inner voice whispers, “Who am I to think I could be an artist?” her soul yearns to express itself.
Through a transformative process that starts with creative journaling, she will ignite her authentic voice and reclaim her power of choice to align with the work and relationships that support and fulfill her.
If you’ve landed on this page, I have a feeling you’ve been carrying a quiet whisper in your heart—a creative calling that both thrills and terrifies you. Perhaps you’ve spent years admiring other artists from afar, convinced that creativity was meant for other people, but not for you.
I understand, because I’ve walked that path too. As a highly sensitive person who spent decades denying the truth of my own artistic nature, I intimately know the fear, self-doubt, and persistent feeling of being somehow “different” that comes with having a sensitive soul in a world that doesn’t always understand us.
Here’s what I want you to know: Your sensitivity is not a weakness—it’s your superpower.
I work specifically with women who…
- Feel a deep creative yearning but don’t know where to begin
- Are highly sensitive and experience the world intensely
- Have spent years pushing aside their artistic dreams
- Feel like they’re “too late” to start their creative journey
- Deeply admire other artists but can’t imagine themselves as one
As your mentor and guide, I create a gentle, nurturing space where your artistic self can finally emerge. Together, we’ll peel away the layers of “I’m not good enough” and “Who am I to call myself an artist?” to reveal the truth: you were born to create. Whether your medium turns out to be words, music, paint, movement, or other, my role is to help you find your unique creative voice and give yourself permission to use it.

Your Sensitivity Is Your Superpower.
What if I told you that your deep sensory nature—the very thing that makes you feel out of step with the world—is actually your greatest creative gift? That feeling of being different? It’s because you’re wired to experience the world deeply, to notice what others miss, to feel what others barely glimpse.
Your ability to feel so deeply, to capture emotions in words and sensations, to embody stories through lyrics and movement—These are the very qualities that make you an artist, whether or not you’ve yet to learn an artistic skill.
This Is Your Safe Space.
Here, we honor the delicate dance between vulnerability and expression. Together, we’ll…
- Create a safe container for your artistic soul to emerge
- Joyfully make a big mess as we explore through the power of play
- Nurture your authentic voice, both literally and metaphorically
- Transmute your fear into joyful expression
- Cultivate your deep soul presence
- Build confidence in your unique artistic expression
- Connect with your body’s natural wisdom and rhythm
- Find joy and purpose in the creative process, whether it’s songwriting, storytelling, painting, singing, poetry, movement, or all of the above and beyond
You Belong Here If…
- You’re ready to honor your artist soul, but need a gentle guide and safe space to do so
- You’ve been told you’re “too emotional,” “too sensitive,” or “too dramatic”
- You feel moved to explore the arts, but something holds you back
- Your body yearns for some type of artistic expression, but you don’t know where to start
- You dream of sharing your creative gifts but fear judgment or don’t feel worthy
Your Creative Awakening Begins Now.
Your voice matters. Your story matters. Your sensitivity is a gift that brings depth of meaning to every experience. The world needs your authentic expression and artistry now, more than ever.
Let’s journey together into your creative awakening. In this gentle, nurturing space, we’ll help your authentic artistic voice emerge, one small brave step at a time.
Through our work together, we’ll find your unique path to sharing your gifts. You’ll discover that being an artist isn’t about technical perfection or matching some external ideal. It’s about allowing your authentic self to emerge through creative expression. It’s about finally giving voice to what your sensitive soul has always wanted to say.
You don’t have to have it all figured out. You don’t need to know exactly what you want to create. You just need to be ready to begin the journey of coming home to yourself through creativity.
Ready to Get Started?
If you’re feeling a flutter of recognition in your heart right now, know that you’re exactly where you need to be. Let’s explore this path together, gently and joyfully, one brave “baby step” at a time.
Book a free Creative Connection call with me. Let’s explore how we can bring your creative gifts into the light, in a way that honors your sensitive nature and celebrates your unique artistic voice.
Your creativity isn’t just a hobby; it’s a homecoming. And your voice, in all its forms, deserves to be heard.

bio ~
I’m a certified trauma informed life coach and an author specializing in memoir and personal story. I have a dual bachelor’s degree in journalism and psychology and a Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing.
My stories and essays have appeared in the Writer’s Chronicle, Fire & Knives quarterly, The MacGuffin, Pithead Chapel, American Writers Review, and other journals, anthologies, and magazines. I’ve also served as script developer for several award-winning animated short films. My memoir Mush: from sled dogs to celiac, the scenic detour of my life (Plain View Press, 2015) reflects my journey of self-discovery, physical illness, and healing. I’m currently at work on a (hybrid) sequel about healing from complex trauma.
As part of my healing journey into my authentic Self, I embarked on a quest to “grow back down again” and explore the things in life that had once felt fulfilling but that had gotten lost somewhere along the way. I started taking piano lessons, which eventually led to singing lessons, which eventually led to songwriting. I auditioned for a play, for the first time since I was twelve-years-old (and got the part)! I later performed an excerpt from my musitragicomedy-in-progress on life, healing, and love—at a local Theatre and Dance Fest. I have since acted in four more plays, had several performances as a singer, one stand-up comedy performance (which you’ll get to see if you claim your free “Fear Shifting” bundle), and I continue to joyfully grow into the fullness of my authentic artistic expression.
My songs and current artistic creations are reflections of my own healing journey. Writing has been a profound meaning maker as I navigate the tides of life, and it is indescribably rewarding to share these empowering processes with my clients as I see, hear, and support each one of them on their respective journeys.
kind words
“Tara was so empathetic and focused on meeting me where I was with the combination of coaching and mentoring that fit. I knew I wanted to tell my story, but I didn’t know where to start and felt unskilled at the craft. Tara gave me peace of mind in knowing that I’m not doing this alone and reminding me that I have a right to tell this story and don’t need anyone’s permission. Had I not engaged with Tara, I’d be struggling a lot more with all the voices telling me I don’t know what I’m doing, I don’t have a right to write, and that this is going to get a lot harder before it’s going to get easier. Ultimately, doing this without her (and it IS TARA—not just any personal story coach) would likely end in my giving up this dream. Tara is the only person I would consider to accompany me on this journey because it’s the most personal and vulnerable work I’ve ever done. She makes me feel safe and supported and worthy when I can’t feel those things for myself, and I was realistic enough to know I likely would not, and maybe could not reach in and grab my heart and sew it to my sleeve effectively alone. I’m currently more than halfway through my 60k word first draft, and not only am I experiencing unexpected joy from writing, but the curious analyst in me is not getting in the way of my creativity as I’d expected—in fact it’s fueling insights! Perhaps the biggest surprise of all is that I’m experiencing transformational healing through the process. I can’t recommend Tara enough for anyone whose personal story is waiting to be told.”
—Lisa G.
“Tara has a radiating light and joy that I felt within every session. She really gets my high sensitivity, which felt so relieving. Early on in our work together, she brought some questions to me that still have me seeing through a lens of expansion and possibility- instead of my constricting lens. One exercise in particular around flushing out my real priorities, based around what I value, has been so powerful as I work to shift my energy toward what matters at the heart of my life.”
—Lillian R.
“Tara Caimi got me unstuck. I had a huge project and a dearth of cash. She helped me see that my path is not to do everything that might make money, but to instead focus on what will maximize my unique contribution to the world. Love her. She is thoughtful, insightful, not judgmental. I would be running myself ragged … if Tara had not pointed out I could do something more important with my time.”
—Cindy S.
“Tara asked questions that were both intuitive and thought-provoking, and asked them in a way that was gentle and supportive. I love that she encouraged me to open to the possibility of new perspective. I really enjoyed our discovery session and feel that I have already benefitted from her innate ability and the kindness that she embodies.”
—Erin M.