a black and a brown stallion engaged in battle on the dunes at Outer Banks, North Carolina with multicolored beach houses in the backgorund

Anything goes here, my new friends,
welcome to my blog.

I consider myself to be a work in progress. When you think about it, what living thing isn’t? This helps me to understand that there is no final product. There is only process, and that’s where the beauty of discovery resides. And that’s where the magic of the work in progress resides. Because in this model, from this perspective, there is no end to discovery. The potential is always there, in whatever form that potential may (or may not) take. This excites me and motivates me. It fuels my curiosity, and keeps me in constant evolution as I guide people along different stages of their own journey.


This blog is a reflection of my personal experiences as a work in progress on this wild rollercoaster ride of life.

Brown horse with lighter brown foal eating grass

I have always loved horses. From my earliest memories, these magnificent animals held me spellbound. But my experiences with horses over the years pushed me away from them, not because my feelings had changed, but because the treatment I witnessed, and was expected to administer in my interactions with them, …

View from below of a pelican flying against a blue sky

Over the weekend, I attended a music conference on a college campus near my hometown. My cousin came in from Ohio, and we shared a dorm room and lots of memories and got all silly just like we were actual college roommates.   Saturday morning, she wanted to go to …

My goal this week was to follow some sage advice or, more appropriately put, to follow some advice I received from a sage. Start a newsletter.   While I’ve been resisting this idea because, let’s face it, there are already too many of these things finding their way by some …

waterfall through the framing of tree leaves and branches

May 11, 2021   This idea to write about the inner child and her superpowers. I can’t seem to do it. I can’t access it. What were her superpowers? Did she have any? Other than to do what she was told, which sometimes made other people happy? Did that make …

Stark beach with calm ocean against a gray sky

It’s only recently that I became aware of the trait formally called Sensory Processing Sensitivity, via a documentary film titled Sensitive: The Untold Story. This led me to a book by Dr. Elaine Aron, a leading researcher in the field who coined the term Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) to refer …

Register Now Tuesday, April 18, 20237-8:30pm (EDT) OnlineRegistration is now open.   Pay what you can (optional) details in email confirmation for those who register.   Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS) is a genetic trait found in 15 to 20 percent of the population. Those of us with SPS, also known …

A flock of birds flying in a scattered pattern in the hazy gray sky with tree tops underneath

Circa March, 2020   I’m looking in the mirror and who I’m seeing isn’t me. I don’t know how to explain this, other than to say, I mean it literally. I’m staring at my own reflection, and the person I see is my brother. Or my mother. Sometimes I see …

stone path bathed in light flanked by green shrubbery of the forest

April 6, 2022   For the longest time, I couldn’t find her. I called and searched and queried. “Have you seen my Spark?” I said, “My Joy?”   Deaf ears.   It was as if she’d never existed. (Was it that she’d never existed?) “I can’t find my Meaning,” I …

Pink and white tall glass sculptures against a black background

March 5, 2023   I recently held a discovery session with a potential client during which I quickly recognized that what I was seeing in her was quite different from the way she was seeing herself. This brought up the memory of some work I had done with a mentor …

watercolor flower closeup in varying shades of pink

September 9, 2022   Lately I’ve been revisiting my relationship with the color pink.   I never liked the color pink. I rarely wore it and, for the most part, did not allow it into my life. I’ve only recently started to question why that is.   Society links the …

Moonrise over the bare naked willow tree

(Photo by William J. Feerrar) I mentioned in a previous post that I’ve been exploring songwriting as a storytelling device. It’s all very new, but over the weekend, I had my first super informal recording session with a friend. We are both learning! It was so much fun to play …

Leftover shades of purple at the bottom of a watercolor painting palette.

Some of my favorite topics to work on with clients are those I’ve struggled with throughout my own life. Perfectionism, for example. My inner perfectionist and I are still learning this tango, but we’ve come a long way in balancing the give and take needed to foster a healthy relationship. …

Sunset over the ocean with seagulls flying in the upper right corner

January 24, 2023   I don’t know if I’ve made it clear on this website, but I’m a long form writer, by education and practice. Historically, I’ve focused on memoir and personal essay as a genre.   Lately—as of about May, 2022—I’ve been exploring songwriting as a storytelling device. It’s …

A lake and ominous clouds with a peak of blue sky and sun in the background

October 22, 2022   Sitting on the deck on this spectacularly gorgeous fall day, waiting to see if a song will come to me. What would I want to say? What feels important?     Clearing out the cobwebs to make room for the light,You’re doing it right.   It’s …

Looking up concrete stairs with wooden railings in Puerto Rican rainforest

July 2021 (exact date unknown)   It all looks good from the outside in.Your reflection in the mirrors is so flawless.   There are so many mirrors— enough to keep you constantly checking.   Always reassuringyour competence,and value,and worth.   Success looks back at youwith her confident smile.   Her …

January 19, 2023   I’ve been meditating a lot more lately, almost every day, and I’m really enjoying it. It doesn’t feel like chore or a “should.” It feels like a beautiful gift. The word that comes to mind is luxury, but that stems from the old belief that feeling …

abstract watercolor painting of gray and black ribbons with what looks like the shape and colors of a giraffe emerging from the center

January 26, 2021   I’ve started painting in watercolor, just along with some videos, in attempt to find some distraction from the current state of affairs.  I chose watercolor because it’s easy to set up and clean up and it seems less toxic than other types of paint, though I …

Waterfall over rocks into green pool in Puerto Rico

Photo by Cristol Grey (I’m pretty sure)   March 30, 2022   That moment you know that you have to write another book. And the way that you know is the seed of an idea, which has silently been sprouting, blooms in an unexpected instant and fills your whole heart …

Black stallion standing on a dune overlooking the ocean at Outer Banks North Carolina

July 12, 2021   That little girl was quiet and fierce.She tackled every challengewithout question or hesitation.It was expected, she could do it,and she would.   She made them all proud,until she didn’t.   Because, by that time, it was not ladyliketo stand out from the crowd;to shine with a …

white clouds in the sky with a burst of rainbow, a view from the plane

January 12, 2023   Today I asked for guidance to move forward. Past the doubt, past the anger, past the bitterness, the regret, the sadness and the shame.   Love.   It came to me first as a feeling, like an energetic embrace, each cell filled with warm light. How …